Nate Heilman
Mission Director: Platform
I am fortunate. I’ve served in numerous roles around the world in support of Marine Corps operations, helped usher in new technologies, and even helped write the book.
A kid from government housing who’d never so much as been on a vacation out of state I now get to support people in their aspirations for access to space!
Personally, I am…
An Artist who first experienced art in my early 30s (kicking off an 8 year hiatus from engineering)
A partner and father
A member of my community
An aspiring beer aficionado (practice makes perfect!)
Professionally I have…
Built secure network infrastructures for emerging DoD technologies
Led and supported teams around the world in combat and humanitarian missions
Taught at prestigious art institutes
Shown sculptures in galleries around the United States
Partnered with amazing people to bring new opportunities to the rest of us.